Speech Understanding

Duration: 36 months

Kickoff: April 2021

Sponsorship: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Aristech and the HNO (=Ear, Nose, Throat) clinic at the University Hospital Heidelberg are researching innovative systems to improve the understanding of people with impaired hearing due to old age

In Germany, roughly 15 million people suffer from impaired hearing, many of the due to old age. The quality of life and the everyday life of these people are severely limited as a result.

The project aims to advance an alternative treatment which, by reshaping the speech signal, enables cognitive processing of the information even for patients with limited listening comprehension.

We plan to develop a realtime-capable, platform-independent software that can be integrated into all kind of hearing aids and smartphones with earphones. In this project, Aristech is working together with the HNO clinic at the University Hospital Heidelberg.

BMBF_gefördert vom_deutsch

Project page (German only)

Published on 4/1/2021

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