FerienOnJob visits Aristech

Working a little differently: As part of the “FerienOnJob” program, we had five school pupils come visit us. They were highly motivated to learn about the work of our software engineers.

“FerienOnJob” (Vacation on Job) is a project week for pupils between 13 and 16 years old to give them a first insight into the working world. They can gain practical experience and get a first insight into certain professions. The vacation program was initiated by the Family Alliance Heidelberg in cooperation with the Office of Economic Development and the Stadtjugendring. This career orientation week benefits not only the pupils but also the companies as it gives them the opportunity to recruit young people.

“Our” pupils were highly motivated and greatly enjoyed working on their tasks. They got to create a telephone hotline for swimming pools with our DialogDesigner and have our TTS voices speak German song lyrics with added background music. Not only our colleagues were impressed by how open and motivated the potential trainees were: The supervisors were thrilled by the great entertaining afternoon and the activities we had prepared. FerienOnJob – an amazing opportunity!

Published on 8/10/2022

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